We Are Here For Students Like You

Attending college is one of the most exciting and challenging times of your life. We know that sometimes it can feel overwhelming, Student Support at UNT at Frisco is here to help.  

Resources for students facing various challenges, ranging from academic struggles to personal crises, we're dedicated to fostering a caring environment conducive to student success. With these resources UNT works to empower students to overcome obstacles and thrive both inside and outside the classroom   

Dean of Students Office

Dean of Students Office supports students with a variety of services; withdrawal, students seeking options and solutions, complaints, and much more.  Several functions of the Dean of Students office can be found at Frisco such as; Food Pantry, Withdrawals, and Seeking Options and Solutions.   

To learn more visit the Dean of Students website: 

Frisco Food Pantry

UNT at Frisco has its own food pantry located on the first floor of Frisco Landing. Students needing access to the pantry can check in at the welcome desk during business hours for assistance. For information on building hours, call 972-668-7100. Students who would like a bag of items set aside for pick up can contact Marlena.Jordan@unt.edu. 

Questions regarding donations to the Frisco Food Pantry can be directed to Marlena.Jordan@unt.edu  

Information on the UNT Food Pantry presented by Kroger, located on the Denton campus can be found here: Food Pantry | University of North Texas (unt.edu) 

Student Initated Withdrawals

Students considering withdrawing from the semester must meet with a member of the Dean of Students staff member to discuss potential impacts.  

For more information on withdrawal resources, impacts, or how to withdraw, visit Withdrawals - UNION 409 | University of North Texas (unt.edu) 

Students wanting to connect with resources located on the Frisco campus, contact Marlena.Jordan@unt.edu. 

Office of Disability Access

Aim Portal

Registering for services 

All UNT students registering for disability services will follow the same process detailed here:

Register For Services 
Documentation Guidelines  

Requesting Letters of Accommodation 


Testing in Frisco 

Students needing test proctoring should speak to their faculty members as soon as possible. Faculty members should submit this form after speaking with the student: https://unt.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7UI7zCfAot2aqLc

All submitted requests will be answered within 2 business days. Further questions or concerns regarding test proctoring can be directed to Marlena.Jordan@unt.edu. 

UNTPD In Frisco
UNT at Frisco is supported by police officers and public safety officers. If you need to speak with a police officer please visit the Welcome Desk at Frisco Landing.

In person counseling is available in Frisco on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. To make an appointment for Frisco counseling call – 940-565-2741 and request a Frisco appointment.  

 Virtual counseling and in-person counseling in Denton is also available.  

 For more information about mental health resources visit Counseling & Testing (make a button or hyperlink with Counseling and Testing Services | University of North Texas)  

Equal Opportunity and Title IX

Equal Opportunity & Title IX (EO/TIX) is the primary office at the University of North Texas responsible for enforcing the University's equal opportunity policies and for investigating complaints of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct. 

To see the list of policies that can be reported to EO/TIX or to file a complaint, follow this link: Equal Opportunity & Title IX | University of North Texas (unt.edu) 
Anyone who believes that they have been the victim of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct in violation of University policies may contact EO/TIX via email at OEOTIX@unt.edu or phone at 940-565-2759 to consult with staff and/or file a complaint 

Wellness Rooms
Frisco Landing has (2) multi-purpose wellness rooms for students to access during building hours. Wellness rooms are often used for meditation, reducing sensory overload, lactation rooms, prayer space, and more. Rooms are equipped with running water and seating. 
Reports and Referrals

To refer a student for assistance regarding any complex personal and academic issues; file a CARE Team referral for students, staff, or faculty; refer a student for alleged misconduct, including sexual misconduct; apply for Parenting and Pregnancy accommodations, or submit Academic Integrity violations, follow this link: https://studentaffairs.unt.edu/dean-of-students/report.html 

In addition to filling out the appropriate referral form, faculty and staff with concerns about a student taking classes at UNT at Frisco can contact Marlena.Jordan@unt.edu.