Mission Statement:

UNT at Frisco's Diversity & Inclusion Council facilitates the development of a socially just and intentionally inclusive environment through these focus areas:

  • Professional development
  • Programming
  • Training
  • Recruitment
  • Collaboration with industry partners


UNT at Frisco envisions a campus community where social justice is reflected through our policies, practices and programs, which exemplify our commitment to civility, non-discrimination, and engaging in dialogue that builds meaningful and collaborative relationships throughout UNT at Frisco.


Advise the Dean and Assistant Vice President of Student Services at Regional Campuses on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The UNT at Frisco D & I Council will:

  • Increase cultural competency and develop relationships that promote equity and foster inclusion
  • Study climate survey and address areas of concern through diversity and excellence at UNT at Frisco
  • Provide feedback to the Dean and AVP about the cultural climate at UNT at Frisco and advise the Dean and AVP on matters related to diversity and inclusion for policies, programs, and practices.
  • Sponsor initiatives to promote the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Plan of Action for Spring 2021 and Beyond

UNT at Frisco Faculty an Staff Training

  • Microaggressions and Inclusive Language
  • Bias Awareness and Perceptions
  • ALLY
  • Facilitating Student Success with Cultural Humility

Ongoing Initiatives

  • Monthly Acknowledgement of Diversity & Inclusion
  • Discussion Panel
  • Faculty Search Committee Representation
  • Student Climate Survey
  • Book/Podcast Club
  • Diversity & Inclusion Webpage
  • The members of the Diversity and Inclusion Council of UNT at Frisco serve for two year periods. The next council will start in the fall of 2022

    Council Members

    Name Department Role Email
    Linda Mckeiver Administration Chair Linda.Mckeiver@unt.edu
    Courtney Graham Academic Affairs Co-Chair Courtney.Graham@unt.edu
    Ashley Reis Faculty Co-Chair Ashley.Reis@unt.edu
    Marly Jordan Student Services Member Marlena.Jordan@unt.edu
    Justin Hickl IT Member Justin.Hickl@unt.edu
    Vince Fisher Marketing Member Vince.Fisher@unt.edu
    Shari Childers Faculty Member Shari.Childers@unt.edu
    Elizabeth Oldmixon Accademic Affairs Member Elizabeth.Oldmixon@unt.edu
    Latrice Owens Admissions Member Latrice.Moore@unt.edu
    Heather Treadway Advising Member Heather.Treadway@unt.edu
    Savannah Garcia Graduate Assistant Member Savannah.Garcia@unt.edu

    We look forward to working with you!

    Diversity and Inclusion would not be possible without the unique voices of those who are able to contibute. For more information about how to get involved and how to stay in touch, please fill out our contact form or email Linda Mckeiver or Courtney Graham for more information.

    We have a stake in one another... what brings us together is greater than what drives us apart.
    -Barack Obama